Apprentice Achievements


The beginning of a New Year is a great opportunity to take stock & review the previous year.

What went well? What was an epic failure, & what do we need to build on?

I have moments of relative genius when I can read a room & make all the right decisions, but I also fail epically too, getting things completely wrong.

Now the rational part of me knows that this is the same for us all, but it often feels very isolating!

That distance between success & failure is never as far as it feels & decisions both good & bad always make us stronger through that lived experience.

Our four score years & ten is a one-off opportunity to get stuck into everything that makes us who we are, & want to be.

It really is just one take.

Making mistakes is what makes us human & to avoid mistakes would be to avoid trying & that wouldn’t lead to a life well lived.

Owning our flaws & learning from our mistakes isn’t always easy, & accepting the flaws & mistakes of those around us can often be difficult but we learn as much from the mistakes of others as we do from our own.

We’re all fallible but we’re equally capable of accepting the fallibilities of those around us in a way that we’d like to have ours accepted.

Mistakes aren’t a deliberate act, but they are a key part of who we are & as long as we learn from them, they can be part of our individual superpower.

We only get one take at this so let’s not get bogged down in our mis-takes.

I hope you have a great week

