Apprentice Achievements

Our Commitment to Safeguarding

Springfield Training approach to safeguarding all of our learners is founded on the nature of our relationships. We prioritise assessing and managing the needs of our services users and have a dynamic approach to the identification, assessment and response to risk. We have a commitment to ensuring that during all staff and learner induction, Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Prevent, Whistleblowing and Complaints procedures are fully covered.

As well as initial induction we ensure that all staff have annual refresher training on both Safeguarding and Prevent to promote our commitment to keeping learners safe.

All our learning sessions embed the fundamental British Values and all learners take part in monthly discussions about citizenship and welfare issues in modern Britain such as county lines, modern slavery, workplace discrimination, mental health, attitudes to immigration and The Human Rights Act.

Our staff are informed in terms of the indicators of possible harm and possible vulnerabilities. Staff know what to do, when possible, abuse or neglect is suspected or disclosed and are skilled in a range of interventions to prevent further or future risk to our learners.

Our goal is to enable the learner. This means that we focus on supporting them in finding their own solutions to challenges that pose a risk to their well-being, empowering them to make positive sustainable changes to their lives.


Part of our safeguarding duty also includes protecting vulnerable individuals from the risk of radicalisation and extremism. Prevent is one of four national strands within CONTEST, the UK's long term Counter Terrorism Strategy. The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 requires all further education and skills providers to have 'due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'.

At Springfield Training we:

  • Have a Prevent Risk Assessment Plan in place which is regularly reviewed
  • Have clear policies & procedures in place relation to Safeguarding & Prevent
  • Have a Designated Safeguarding & Prevent Lead
  • Train all staff in Safeguarding & Prevent and provide regular training updates
  • Have a thorough recruitment and vetting process, making sure all staff are safe to work with our learners
  • Educate all our learners on the risks of radicalisation, the societal and individual impact and the steps they can take if they have a concern

British Values

Springfield Training promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Actively promoting the values means challenging opinions or behaviours in education that are contrary to fundamental British values.

Springfield Training ethos, values and standards expect all staff, whether employed or associate, to uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside education. This includes not undermining fundamental British values.

We share, support and strive to encourage and guide learners to:

  • Be reflective about how they implement British Values in their everyday life
  • Develop and apply an understanding of right and wrong in their life and life inside and outside of education.
  • Take part in a range of activities requiring social skills
  • Develop an awareness of, and respect towards, diversity in relation to, for example, gender, race, religion and belief, culture, sexual orientation and disability
  • Gain a well-informed understanding of the options and challenges facing them as they move through education.
  • Overcome barriers to learning
  • Develop the skills and attitudes to enable them to participate fully and positively in democratic modern Britain
  • Understand and appreciate the range of different cultures within modern Britain and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life

Equality and Diversity

At Springfield Training we believe that all staff and learners must be equally respected and treated as individuals, taking positive account of age, gender, religion or belief, ethnic origin, cultural origin, sexual preferences, disability, pregnancy or maternity and marital status. We will constantly implement to apply this principle to all our policies, procedures, delivery and interactions across the projects.

All staff and management at Springfield Training are committed to:

  • Promoting learning to ensure participation is representative of the local, regional and national demographical data
  • Ensuring the learning environment is non-discriminatory and challenge negative behaviours towards race, religion, gender, disability or culture
  • Embracing a whole approach to challenging inequality and celebrate diversity
  • Ensuring learning resources and marketing literature will promote fair and equal access to teaching, learning and assessment. Particular care will be taken to avoid the use of statements and stereotypes that might reasonably be expected to give offence on the grounds of Age, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Disability, Race, and Religion & Belief
  • Collecting data to analyse participation and achievement of under-represented groups by subject and programme area
  • Agreeing EDIMs (equality and diversity impact measures) to promote participation and achievement of under-represented groups
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