Apprentice Achievements

Springfield Training will continue to provide an outstanding service to our employers and apprentices throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team are here to support you and offer advice and guidance throughout the pandemic and thereafter

Information for Apprentices


Throughout the pandemic we have & continue to respond to government announcements, adapting our approach to delivery in order to comply with government guidelines and rules to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. During these periods remote & online learning remains available for all apprentices. We are also providing face to face delivery on a one-to-one basis and where it is safe to do so, we're undertaking workplace assessments.

We are continuing all teaching, assessment, and exams to ensure that you successfully achieve your qualifications.

Although we recognise that work patterns and personal commitments may disrupt your training, we ask that you make every effort to continue making progress with your course and speak to your teacher if you need additional time to complete any agreed work.

If you're undertaking learning remotely or online & have any difficulties with accessing the internet, please let us know and we'll work with you and your employer to address these issues.

We will provide further information as guidance is updated.

Information for Employers

If you have an apprenticeship vacancy, are thinking of employing an apprentice, or have a currently employed member of staff who would like to undertake an apprenticeship, we are here to help. For more information, please contact Leanne - & she will support you.

Our team will continue to work with you and your apprentices to ensure the new ways of working are both accessible and easy. This includes:

  • If your business is still open and operating, learning and reviews will continue using a digital approach or face to face by agreement.

  • If your apprentice is nearing the end of their programme, you may be involved in your apprentices' end-point assessment (EPA). Where possible this should continue as planned. Where this is not possible, we are working with end-point assessment organisations to reschedule.

If you have any questions or require any advice, please contact us on 08000 50 2324 or email

Break in Learning.

A break in learning should only be used as a last resort. They can be applied when there is a change in personal circumstance that means apprentices will be having an extended period of absence from both their work and the apprenticeship.

Due to the impact from COVID-19, the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) relaxed the rules allowing any apprentice in one of the following situations to be eligible to take a break in learning:

  • Ready to enter gateway to commence their end point assessment.

  • Redeployed into a role that is unrelated to their apprenticeship.

When an apprentice takes a break in learning their apprenticeship programme will pause. This means that the time that the apprentice has to complete the apprenticeship will be extended. As an employer you will be expected to keep your apprentice in employment until their programme is completed. If the apprentice is employed on a fixed term contract the expectation is that this is extended.

Returning to Work

To ensure that we are supporting as many apprentices to continue their apprenticeship as possible, we will continue to provide remote learning as the predominant mode of delivery.

However, where we feel it is safe to do so, we are continuing to put steps in place to provide apprenticeship training in the workplace where it meets the new 'COVID-19 secure' guidelines. We will work with all employers and apprentices to mutually agree where and how this training takes place.

Government COVID-19 Support for Businesses

The Government have shared important information for business owners. Information can be found here .

Get in Touch.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us, we're here to support you:

Noel Johnson CEO Email:

Mobile Phone Number: 0794 714 7117

Stacey Calvert COO Email:

Mobile Phone Number: 0748 502 6807