Apprentice Achievements
Don't Take Things for Granted

Don't Take Things for Granted

Over the weekend we lost someone very close to our family.

In fact, blood aside she was family.

It’s never easy when we lose someone we love & even when we recognise that age &/or illness create a tone of inevitability, it still hurts!

We can’t change the cycle of life, but we can choose how to live within it.

During times involving any significant discomfort I often find myself saying “well next year has to be better”, wishing time away to ease any pain, but the current year mustn’t be overlooked because we face sadness or hardship.

Time really is a spend as you go commodity with no refund.

Although the loss of a loved one can be painful, that pain can be eased through the celebration of all the good stuff that happened during their life.

Remembering the good times as well as the positive impact they had on our life preserves their legacy in our hearts & minds.

There will always be a place for quiet reflection with our memories of those we’ve lost but continuing with our own lives is essential.

No one passing before us would want to see us unhappy, wasting the time we have, & taking our time for granted is an unnecessary spin of our own life’s roulette wheel.

Taking things, people & our available time for granted is one of those human traits that we all have in common, but we equally share a limited bank of time.

My Monday morning pledge to myself is to find enjoyment in all the little things as well as making the best of everything I do.

To laugh more, although not manically in a queue at the shops, & spending more time enjoying the moments that appear fleeting until they’re looked back on.

We’re all on the clock & the sad stuff is as important within our lives as the happy stuff so we shouldn’t take any of it for granted.

I hope you have a great week.

